+1 519 817 9367 | +1 226 787 4214

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When should my application be filled?
    Academic sessions around the world mostly commence in September, January, April, May and June. Admissions are also available in some institutions for specific courses.Your application should be filled as soon as you know you want to study abroad.
  • Can i defer my admission?
    You can defer your admission in most cases, but do inform us as soon as you make this decision so that we can reserve a new space for you for your preferred start date.
  • When does school year officially begin?
    Academic sessions around the world mostly commence in September. January, April, May and June. Admissions are also available in some institutions for specific courses.
  • Can i pay my tuition in installment?
    Depending on the institution, you may be able to draw up a payment plan before the deadline for full payment. Majority of the schools require the full payment at a deadline. Failure to pay full tuition at the specific deadline may incur additional charges. It would be best to discuss payment option with the international office regarding fee and deadlines.
  • To whom do i pay my fees?
    Your fees should be made directly to the institution of your choice for transparency and accountability. The details will be included in your offer letter.
  • How are textbooks and school supplies obtained?
    You will have to buy school supplies such as pens and notebooks. Schools lend textbook to students but textbooks need to be purchased by students at the post secondary level.

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If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +1 519 817 9367